Back in February, The Daily reported that Microsoft was working to bring their Office apps to the iPad. Microsoft and The Daily went back and forth over whether the rumor was true, with Microsoft eventually backing off and claiming that the truth would be clear in the “coming weeks.”

BGR now claims to provide some additional details about Office for iOS, claiming that Microsoft is planning to officially launch their suite on Apple’s mobile platform in November:
BGR has learned from a reliable source that Microsoft is currently planning to release the company’s full Office suite for not only Apple’s iPad, but for Android tablets as well. The company is targeting November of this year for both launches.
What’s especially interesting about the report is that BGR’s source, who has reportedly seen the suite first-hand, states that it appears to be nearly identical to the leak back in February, suggesting that Microsoft was being entirely dishonest when they claimed that leak was false.
Also, the suite has been referred to as “Office for iOS” rather than “Office for iPad,” suggesting that the apps may come to the iPhone and iPod touch as well as Apple’s popular tablet.
Of course, now that BGR has let the cat out of the bag, Microsoft could easily change their release from November to some other month to make the rumor look false (assuming that BGR’s claims are true) – and frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me of they did just that!