2 Year Old On An iPad.

The above video of a 2 year old playing with an iPad reminds me off all the cool things I played with when I was her age back in the 80’s. I spent hours playing with things that were just as cool as an iPad 2. Like…. a pram, a shoebox, a dog that used to sniff my bum, a bar of soap, and a half eaten piece of string.

On a more serious note, it’s great to see how easy it is for children to adapt to using the iPad. One can only imagine how technologically advanced this generation will be in their teen years the more they are exposed to this kind of technology at an early age.

(Via Laughing Squid)

Cormac Moylan

Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!