Creative Light Painting with iPads and other Apple products

Some creative folk at Dentsu London got together on a project and came up with this beautiful concept of light painting with the iPad, using animated 3D sequences to recreate the illusion of 3 dimensional light painting with long exposures.

It’s a clever idea, and one that has produced some gorgeous results, the idea was born out of a creative manifesto that the group put together – it’s worth reading over their principles, but the basic concept is:

Making Future Magic” is a new philosophy for a new group of people who want to find a different path in creative communications: one that acknowledges the drastic shifts in the media landscape of the last few years, but more crucially (for us) sees those changes as signifiers of a moment in time that’s precious for its uncertainty.

Here’s the video of the iPad light painting, with an explanation of how the effect was achieved:

Making Future Magic: iPad light painting from Dentsu London on Vimeo.

Inspired by this, another two creative lads put together a typographic experiment using an iPod touch to similarly paint a distressed version of Akzidenz Grotesk. The resulting font is quite beautiful, and the two students Jinhwan Kim and Cameron Zotter provide the files they used for anyone who wants to play around with them.

Pixel Painting from Jinhwan Kim on Vimeo.

Any of our readers playing around with any similar type projects? Please let us know, we’d love to take a look!

via DesignYouTrust & Olybop

Frank Prendergast

Frank loves using his iPhone as a camera & photo editor - if you have any tips on cool photo apps or processes, or just want to share your cool iPhoneography please drop Frank an email. Frank offers web design in Cork (Ireland) and also loves WordPress and the Rockford Files.