How To Protect Physical Data From Bears (And Other Evils) During Transport

Casey Johnston of Ars Technica offers some clever (and surprisingly practical) advice on how to securely and safely transport data from place to place via Sneakernet (physical transport). The article and it’s accompanying video covers data encryption, biometrics, various forms of validation, and so forth.

If you’re concerned about insane code-stealing bears, hand-chopping bandits, and data-nappers, this video is a must-see. In all seriousness, though, the article and video do an excellent job describing how best to securely transport data that is too large to feasibly transfer over the cloud. From Casey’s article:

No matter what method you choose, security takes time. If you’re in the process of creating the files you’ll be transporting, you should encrypt them on the fly. Otherwise, reserve a block of time for the whole thing to get scrambled. Do your due diligence and secure your computer before dealing with sensitive data, especially if you have persistent nemeses, and keep your passphrases safe.

Finally, if you’re prone to being chased by interlopers like data bears, proper cardio training is paramount.

Check out the full clip below.

And always remember this important point: “Bears are majestic… but they’re big jerks.” Let us know what you think by sounding off in the comments!

Via Ars Technica

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.