iPods, iPads, iPhones Powered By Your Heartbeat: The Future.

In 5 years time when we’re all old, and kicking back in our rocking chairs, we will each be telling our grandchildren of the times when we used to use cables to charge our iPods, iPads, and iPhones.

Scientists are hopeful that nanotechnology will result in electronic devices that no longer require cables to charge. Instead, tiny movements in your body or even your beating heart will be enough to generate the necessary power to charge your device.

Nanotechnology, or nanotech, manipulates matter to create energy.

Dr Zhong Lin Wang, of Georgia Institute of Technology said: “This development represents a milestone toward producing portable electronics that can be powered by body movements without the use of batteries or electrical outlets.

“Our nanogenerators are poised to change lives in the future. Their potential is only limited by one’s imagination.”

The breakthroughs in nanotechnology would eliminate the requirement for an inbuilt battery and may result in thinner and lighter devices in the near future.

(Via 9to5 by way of The Telegraph)

Cormac Moylan

Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!