Super stylish iPod Nano Leather Cuff

Etsy shops can sometimes have some really great products, if you can root them out – or if they get spotted by some high profile blogs, like this leather cuff for the iPod Nano. I spotted this on DeginYouTrust and while it may not suit everybody’s dress style, it’s a very stylish way to carry your Nano and have it double as a wristwatch.

The cuff pictured above sold on Etsy for $39, but if you visit the sellers shop you will see there are similar products available, including a simpler strap for those that feel the cuff might be a little much.

Frank Prendergast

Frank loves using his iPhone as a camera & photo editor - if you have any tips on cool photo apps or processes, or just want to share your cool iPhoneography please drop Frank an email. Frank offers web design in Cork (Ireland) and also loves WordPress and the Rockford Files.