Review: Moshi iVisor AG For iPad 2

My iPad 2 is like a third arm to me, and I love everything about it, from its huge, bright screen to its super-thin profile to its ridiculously amazing battery life. So when Moshi sent me their iVisor AG to protect and (dare I say) improve it, I couldn’t resist providing a full review!

First Thoughts

The Moshi iVisor is an easy-to-install screen protector that reduces glare, makes the surface texture of the iPad a little more pleasant, and can improve the way certain types of content (most notable text) on your iPad. Once I got it installed, I immediately became friends with it, and found it to be more useful than I initially thought.

How It Works

The iVisor replaces your iPad 2’s screen with a matte surface, causing fingerprints to stick less to your screen, and also improving your iPad’s viewing experience by reducing glare and improving how it reacts to light. It’s extremely simple to install, adhering to the edges of your screen with silicon, and requires no adhesives or fluids. It took me only 30 seconds to install.


The Moshi iVisor AG really does what it says it will do – I saw immediately that books looked sharper and crisper, text was easier to read, and glare really was significantly reduced. I also really appreciated how easily it wipes up (fingerprints really just don’t stick to this thing), and how smooth it feels to run your thumb across – it almost feels like paper.


I really like the iVisor AG. From the texture, to the minimal packaging, to the fact that it actually does everything it claims to do. For the small $30 asking price, I feel this should be on the top of the list for must-have accessories for the iPad.

Wrapping It Up

I highly recommend the iVisor AG, and award it 5 out of 5 stars for being affordable, extremely useful, and for tickling my fancy in all the right ways. For more information, or to purchase the iVisor AG in your choice of black or white, visit Moshi on the web.

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.