iPad 2 Smart Cover Gets Smarter With Evernote Peek

Evernote, the popular note-taking service, has just gotten smarter with Evernote Peek [iTunes link].

Are you feeling a bit burned by your overpriced iPad 2 Smart Cover? Make it more useful with the innovative flash card study app. Evernote Peek makes studying more effective by showing a question when peeking under the first Smart Cover flap, then giving the answer when the cover is lifted further. Wrong answer? Just mark it as incorrect for the question to be repeated for further study. Closing and reopening the Smart Cover will advance the app to the next question.

If you use Evernote [iTunes link], just log in with your account and either choose an existing notebook or make a new one to use with Peek. The note title will become the clue and the note body will become the answer. The company suggests for best results, keep the clue to one sentence and the answer to around three sentences.

Get your money’s worth from your Smart Cover investment and study smarter with Evernote Peek on iPad 2.

Both Evernote and Evernote Peek are free on the App Store.

James Britton

James first bit into Apple when his mom and dad bought an Apple IIe in 1986. He switched to Wintel in the mid 90s when Apple was in a tailspin and back again to an iBook in 2005 when things were looking brighter. Hopefully there is no turning back to the dark side now.