5 Chrome Apps & Extensions To Make It More Safari Like

Do you remember the browser wars? Kinda dumb, if you ask me. It’s not like you pick a browser and that’s that – till death do you part you are now stuck with that browser and that only that browser.

On my Mac I have 6 browsers that I regularly flip between. The two I flip between most are Chrome and Safari. In recent months I have begun using Chrome more and more despite the fact that I find Safari to be a far more useful and feature rich browser.

To make life easier while surfing with Chrome, I have made an attempt to pimp my Chrome via various apps in order to be more Safari-like. Here’s how:

Read Later Fast

Read Later Fast is a chrome extension solution to Safari’s reading list. Reading List  and Read Later Fast let you bookmark a webpage to have it listed to be read later. A very handy service that finally makes sense of browser bookmarking.


One of the features I love in Safari, especially in mobile Safari on iOS, is Reader. Reader knocks out all the noisy distractions from a webpage and presents you with just the webpage content – a Godsend when dealing with poorly designed and heavily advertised webpages.

Readability Redux is a Chrome extension that acts in a similar way to Safari’s Reader. It transforms a webpage into just content – brilliant.

Flash block

This one is more of an iOS Safari pro  – the lack of Flash. The conflict between Apple and Adobe over Flash support on the iPad and iPhone is well documented and a bone of contention for many. To be honest, I don’t care much about Flash in my browser. Because of that I use ClickToFlash in Safari to block Flash and FlashBlock in Chrome.

Both plugins provide you with the option to enable Flash on a per site basis.


One of the weird things missing from Chrome is RSS support. It’s strange because Google owns one of the most popular RSS readers available – Google Reader.

The Chrome extension RSS Subscription brings RSS support to Chrome. It lets you quickly subscribe to a sites’ RSS feed through Google Reader.

Full Screen Support

Full screen support is coming to Chrome soon. At the time of writing, full screen is a part of Chrome’s Canary release (the development version). If you want to go full screen in Chrome right now, go to View > Full Screen or hit Shift/Command/F on your keyboard.

And that’s it. Chrome is now beginning to feel a bit like Safari.


Cormac Moylan

Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!