Instagram 2.0 Out Now, With A Plethora Of New Features

Instagram has just released a massive update to their popular social photo app, version 2.0 (Free, App Store Link) , which they call one of the “largest revamps” to the app’s imaging technology since it first arrived. The new version features an overhauled UI, support for hi-res images, real-time filters, and more.

The new filters, part of Instagram 2.0’s new interface, are said to be 200 times faster, and allow you to apply visual effects in real-time from within the camera interface. Instagram 2.0 also now allows you to enable and disable borders on all filters.

Also new is the ability to “pinch, pan, and rotate” your photos with a live preview mode, and a new one-click rotation feature allows you to adjust a photo’s orientation from directly within the camera interface.

It’s pretty amazing to see how Instagram has changed over the years, and these new features are sure to make it an even more exciting experience for users. Instagram 2.0 is available in the app store immediately as a free download (Free, App Store Link), and you can learn more about what’s new at the Instagram Blog.

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.