Twas the Night Before iPhone

* Editor’s note, 9/11/12: 9/19/2013 9/9/15: (might as well make this an official tradition):  Although this was written nearly two years ago for what we know call the iPhone 4S, it’s still amazingly appropriate for tonight – the night before Apple’s iPhone 5S and 5C iPhone 6s and 6s Plus launch!

iPhone Eve

Twas the night before the announcement, when all through the world,

Everyone was stirring, their eyebrows are furled.

Their web browsers were ready, refreshing with care,

In hopes that Timothy Cook, soon would be there.


Everyone is nestled in their office chair waiting,

With visions of iPhones continually thinking.

Could it be possible, completely new versions?

Until now, there have been many diversions.


Out on the web there arose such a clatter,

We all turned to the blogs, that covered the matter.

Away to the keyboard we flew like a flash,

Maneuver the trackpad and check the cache.


And then on the stage there began a soft glow,

The Apple logo appears and begins quite slow.

When what to our eyes should suddenly appear,

But new hardware we see, it’s practically here!


Now A5, now Retina, now iCloud, NOW please!

We are begging for updates, we’re down on our knees!

To the top of the screen, to the front of the stage,

The excitement is growing, it’s hard to gauge!


And then, in a twinkling, we see up in front,

The walking, not baulking, a visual stunt.

As we draw nearer the stage, and giggling now,

Across comes Tim Cook, taking a small bow.


His eyes-how they twinkle! His dimples how merry!

The excited crowd sings, just like a canary.

We have waited a year for the update to arrive,

We cannot wait longer, we cannot survive.


Tomorrow will come, with great news for sure,

But we must wait longer, we must endure.

Only a few hours remain to hear the good news,

Hopefully soon, we end our iPhone blues!


Jim Gresham

An avid Macintosh convert, Jim appreciates the fine, detailed, and progressive products Apple designs. He spent his younger years tinkering with computers, reading about technology, and watching Star Wars. Since 2008, he has worked on improving his Apple arsenal and spends his free time researching the latest gadget trends. A native of the Commonwealth of Virginia, he enjoys the stiff crease on a well-ironed dress shirt and dons a bow tie on a regular basis.