Activity Monitor Touch: See What’s Really Running on Your iPhone or iPad

A new iOS app called Activity Monitor Touch aims to mimic the Activity Monitor feature in Mac OS X, allowing you to take a real look at everything that’s running on your iPhone.

The app is intended to help maximize iPhone and iPad battery life by allowing you view the amount of RAM and processor resource occupied by background apps, and allows you to do so on a much deeper level than the tools built into iOS.

Featuring well-designed charts and graphs that tell you all about your device, including processor and memory usage, battery levels, uptime, and a list of running processes, Activity Monitor Touch gives you an impressive amount of data about your iPhone’s performance.

It can be very eye-opening to watch how your device’s memory use changes as you use iOS’s app switcher to close background apps on your device – you can see available memory increase right before your eyes!

The app is available in both paid and free versions. The free version (link) offers only general info and battery usage stats, while the $2 paid version gives you a much wider range of information about your device. The app is available now, and can be obtained directly through the App Store ($1.99, App Store Link).

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.