Man Installs Siri on an iPod touch…By Accident?

There has been no shortage of attempts to port Siri to other devices since it was unveiled as an iPhone 4S exclusive, but it seems all of those efforts may have been in vain. One user claims he got Siri on his iPod touch by accident by restoring from an iPhone 4S backup!

iDownloadBlog reports:

AppleGordon” recently purchased a brand new white iPod touch and claims that instead of setting it up as a new device, he attempted to restore it from a backup of his iPhone 4S in iTunes. Once the process was complete, Gordon claims that Siri had been installed on his iPod.

Siri reportedly doesn’t actually function, however, since it cannot connect to Apple’s servers, and it causes his iPod to crash several times a day. The dictation feature, on the other hand, reportedly works flawlessly. Gordon also claims he was able to duplicate these results with a Verizon iPhone 4.

Being the skeptic that I am, I had a hard time believing that this story was true. I still have an iPhone 4 on hand since upgrading to the iPhone 4S, so I decided to give it a try for myself, just to see what would happen. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work. I also wouldn’t recommend trying this on your own, as restoring from a backup made from another device can cause problems, and could even brick your phone.

Nevertheless, CultofMac uploaded a video of the iPod touch in question, showing Siri running on the device, although there are a number of easy ways in which that could be faked. Check out the video below and see what you think.

Real or fake? You decide.

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.