The New iPad: It’s All About the Retina (Video)

The biggest feature of the new iPad is the Retina display. Without it our text wouldn’t be as crisp and our games wouldn’t look as good. We know that the new iPad has a resolution of 2048 x 1536 and the iPad 2 has a resolution of 1024 x 768, but does it really make a difference? To the fellow technology geeks it does, but to the average user it might not. That’s why I made the video below comparing the two displays. I hope you’ll be presently surprised.

When the new iPad first came out last Friday and I compared it to my iPad 2, I honestly did not see a difference. But after looking at and using the Retina display iPad all weekend, my eyes have adjusted to seeing the sharp, sharp picture it produces. When I look at my iPad 2 I see pixels, in a bad way.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide if the new iPad is right for you.

This video was provided by Nate Chiger of HalfPeeled and was originally posted on You can follow Nate on Twitter here, and subscribe to his YouTube channel here.

Nate Chiger

Nate Chiger is the founder and owner of HalfPeeled LLC. He develops iOS applications, which can be found at Nate loves anything to do with Apple and buys as many of their products as he can.