First Native iPhone Client Hits the App Store: AppNet Rhino, a new $50 per year subscription based alternative to Twitter, finally has a dedicated iOS app available on the App Store! While Buffer for iOS had support for before, AppNet Rhino is the first iOS app build specifically for

Macworld reports:, the startup that pledges to do Twitter right, expanded its reach Saturday with the release of its first iOS app, AppNet Rhino. […] While Rhino isn’t the first iOS app to support—Tweet manager Buffer recently added support for it—it is the first to be built from scratch to do so.

Like the service, which is still in alpha testing, AppNet Rhino is a bit rough around the edges – it doesn’t support seemingly obvious features like uploading a user image, or even searching for the handles of people you might know. It’s also iPhone-only, with no iPad interface in sight.

The app is very basic – it can display your timeline, as well as a global real-time feed, show you your mentions and member profile, and allow you to post and message – and that’s about it. Despite AppNet Rhino’s faults, however, it’s nice to see developers beginning to support the new social media service.

AppNet Rhino is available now for free on the App Store (direct link). For more information on, or to join for a $50 annual fee, visit the official website.

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.