Infinity Blade: Dungeons Not Before 2013

Infinity Blade is no doubt one of the most impressive use of graphics on iPhone and iPad, and it has been immensely popular among iOS gamers worldwide since release. However while a sequel has been announced and demoed, Infinity Blade: Dungeons, AllThingsD reports that it won’t be shipping until 2013,  prolonging the wait of some expectant fans.

Considering that the Dungeons sequel was shown off when the new iPad was unveiled, it is a long time to have to wait, but hopefully Epic Games will make it worthwhile.

Epic Games spokesman Wes Phillips:

Ever since the talented team at Impossible Studios got their hands on Infinity Blade: Dungeons, they’ve been busy adding their great ideas to the game. There was also the matter of getting the Impossible Studios team up and running with desks, chairs, staplers and computers. The logistics of a new studio and implementing all these great ideas required a little extra time, so Infinity Blade: Dungeons will hit iOS in 2013.

The game definitely looked jaw droopingly awesome when it was shown off, and I can’t wait until they release it to experience some ridiculous graphics for a mobile device.

Henry Taylor-Gill

Henry is a student who is a huge Apple fan, and has used their products since day one. He can remember how happy he was when he received the first iPod back in 2001 as a birthday present. He has an international background, having spent most of his life in France but he now lives in the UK. He is also a native French speaker and can also speak Spanish at a decent level. In addition to tech, Henry is an avid sports fan and has his own sports blog.