New 27-inch iMac Now Appearing at Apple Stores and Third-Party Resellers

There’s good news this morning for anyone hoping to buy one of Apple’s new 27-inch iMacs before the holidays! While Apple’s website, and third-party reseller sites such as MacMall continue to list shipping times for 27-inch models well into January, local Best Buy stores have now begun receiving stock available for immediate sale.

Calling into several Best Buy locations revealed that some stores in Utah and Arizona currently have stock – and those without stock are quoting that they can order them in within 3-5 days upon customer request. Further, Best Buy’s website currently lists the high-end 27-inch model as available to order for immediate delivery.

If you plan on grabbing one, you’d be advised to act as soon as possible, as stock is extremely limited. We will continue to check with further resellers and keep this post updated with the latest information!

Update: We’re hearing that some local Frys stores now have limited stock as well.

Update 2: Expercom stores in Utah have begun receiving stock, and are distributing them to customers that pre-ordered in store.

Update 3: We’ve confirmed that limited stock of 27-inch iMacs is now available at certain Apple Retails Stores as well, and that remaining stores will be receiving stock within the next 2-3 business days.

Update 4: 27-inch models now already sold out at

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.