MacGeneration: Opera Apple Store Robbery Poorly Planned, Could Have Been Worse

French site MacGeneration has obtained more details about the Opera Apple Store robbery. According to them, the robbery total was nowhere near what was reported in the press, however it was nonetheless still significant. It could also have been much worse, as the robbers didn’t know how Apple Stores worked with storage.


It seems that the press got a bit carried away: instead of a planned theft, it seems it’s more a case of some lightly armed robbers who didn’t know how Apple Stores worked. Trying to rob the shop isn’t the cleverest thing if you know that Apple stocks it’s products in another building around the corner. Cleverer robbers would’ve have targeted that instead of the products in the store.

As for what they actually took, the robbers focused on iOS devices and iPods, as well as accessories. It seems that not many Macs were taken, which makes sense as the former are easier to resell.

The Apple Store employees were reassuring customers that everything was fine as the Store continued normal operation yesterday and today. So bottom line, while it’s significant, it’s not nearly as much as made out in earlier reports, which is a relief.

Henry Taylor-Gill

Henry is a student who is a huge Apple fan, and has used their products since day one. He can remember how happy he was when he received the first iPod back in 2001 as a birthday present. He has an international background, having spent most of his life in France but he now lives in the UK. He is also a native French speaker and can also speak Spanish at a decent level. In addition to tech, Henry is an avid sports fan and has his own sports blog.