5 Things to Do With Your iPhone 5c Case Until Your iPhone 5c Arrives

So, your iPhone 5c case has already arrived, but the very phone it’s designed to protect won’t arrive for another 4 days. What will you do? What WILL you do? Well, as you may know, we here at MacTrast are helpers. We love to help. So in that spirit, we present “5 Things to Do With Your iPhone 5c Case Until Your iPhone 5c Arrives.”

  1. Grab your favorite fine point pencil and start drawing circles on a large piece of paper. Best-selling Dungeons and Dragons games have been born from less.
  2. Find that small travel checker set you played with in the car as a child, and play “Connect Four.”
  3. Press the case to your face repeatedly, then tell your parents you can’t go to school, as you have contracted a rare form of “Cupertino Measles”. Be careful to break up the pattern periodically.
  4. Follow the lead of MacTrast Managing Editor, J. Glenn Künzler and take photos of the case alongside your favorite stickers.
  5. And my personal favorite: Take the case to your local Walmart and hang it in the Crocs display, step back, and watch the shenanigans begin.

Let us know if you have any ideas about what to do with your new iPhone 5c case, and if we like them, we’ll add them to the list, and credit you. (No really, we won’t claim them as our own. We swear!)

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.