Conan’s Man Raffi Has You Covered if You Want a Gold iPhone 5s

I don’t know how we missed posting the first Conan O’Brien video about the gold iPhone, as we’re huge Team Coco fans, and at least one of us ::COUGH!:: Chris! ::COUGH!:: is a huge gold iPhone 5s fan. Today we make up for all that with a pair of videos from Team Coco.

In the first video, Apple Vice Presidents talk about the new iPhone 5s. One particular VP has some strong opinions which color iPhone is best.

Raffi Jaharian, VP of Gold at Apple, can help you out if you’re looking for a gold iPhone. Just see his nephews behind the Apple Store…

Hopefully, these videos will give you a chuckle while you wait a month or more for your gold iPhone.

I already have mine. Her name is Lola. Raffi had me covered…

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.