
Next-Hour Precipitation Notifications for Australia Now Available in Apple Weather App

Next-hour precipitation forecasts and notifications from the iPhone Weather app are now available in Australia, according to an updated Apple support document.

Severe weather information is available from national weather services for Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, Thailand, the United States, and most countries and regions in Europe. 

The information is provided by Apple using data from national weather services.  Apple says next-hour precipitation forecasts are “hyperlocal” and “down to the minute.”  As noted by MacRumors, the Weather app can send iPhone users a push notification if there will be participation in the next hour and shows how much rainfall is expected by the minute. The feature debuted in the U.S. as part of the release of iOS 14 in 2020.

Apple revamped its Weather app with several new features after acquiring the Dark Sky weather app in 2020. Apple officially shut down Dark Sky on January 1.

“Dark Sky’s features have been integrated into Apple Weather,” says Apple. “Apple Weather offers hyperlocal forecasts for your current location, including next-hour precipitation, hourly forecasts for the next 10 days, high-resolution radar, and notifications.”

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.