
Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 187 – Brings Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Apple has released Safari Technology Preview 187, the latest version of their developer preview web browser. The preview version of Apple’s popular browser offers developers and other interested users the ability to try out features that may or may not, debut in future public release versions of Safari.

‌‌Safari Technology Preview‌ 187 includes fixes and updates for Accessibility, Animations, CSS, Forms, Rendering, Scrolling, Storage, SVG, Web API, and WebGL.

The current ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ release is compatible with machines running macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma.


Safari Technology Preview Release 187 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.

This release includes WebKit changes between: 272448@main…272957@main.


New Features

  • Added support for the CSS content alt-text syntax. (272455@main) (26942023)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed text missing from accessibility labels for many common shadow DOM scenarios. (272531@main) (120223342)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the transition property to produce the shortest serialization. (272513@main) (119822401)
  • Fixed the animation property to produce the shortest serialization. (272629@main) (120439368)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed getComputedStyle() for invalid pseudo-elements. (272543@main) (98504661)
  • Fixed oklab and oklch lightness value handling. (272501@main) (116195533)
  • Fixed CSS content computed value serialization. (272476@main) (120061551)
  • Fixed CSS linear() easing. (272613@main) (120290721)
  • Fixed: Aliased :-webkit-full-screen pseudo-class to :fullscreen. (272577@main) (120335917)
  • Fixed: Aliased :-webkit-any-link to :any-link and :matches() to :is(). (272559@main) (120337922)
  • Fixed getComputedStyle() pseudo-element parsing to support the full range of CSS syntax. (272649@main) (120471227)
  • Fixed updating media-query sensitive meta tags after style changes. (272947@main) (120854167)


  • Removed -webkit-alt and alt properties. (272480@main) (120051066)
  • Made -apple- prefixed pseudo-elements no longer valid. (272538@main) (120268884)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed text-indent to affect the the selected file(s) label for file inputs. (272837@main) (105223868)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed HLS video captions where there are multiple text tracks available. (272784@main) (119839950)
  • Fixed fullscreen video not scaling to display size when the Safari window is in Full Screen App Mode. (272733@main) (119893556)
  • Fixed handling key renewal requests that cause playback errors for some DRM content. (272592@main) (120230860)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed incorrectly oriented Traditional Mongolian script characters. (272454@main) (93426525)
  • Fixed a floating element causing a list item bullet to be orphaned on constrained lines. (272451@main) (120022893)
  • Fixed incorrect inline box (hugging) outline painting in vertical writing modes. (272512@main) (120217559)
  • Fixed incorrect ch unit value in vertical-rl and vertical-lr when text-orientation is not upright. (272536@main) (120293590)
  • Fixed the color correctness of the color matrix filter. (272891@main) (120795573)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed unusable horizontal scrollbars with a right-to-left element. (272466@main) (109858866)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed cases where website data is unexpectedly evicted. (272951@main) (119818267)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the layout of an SVG when it is inside an <iframe> without affecting the size of the <iframe>. (272503@main) (120178866)
  • Fixed displaying an SVG element inside a <switch> element. (272831@main) (120732837)


New Features

  • Added support for CustomStateSet in custom elements and :state() pseudo-class. (272474@main) (120072599)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed removing highlights in the Custom Highlights API. (272723@main) (119531671)
  • Fixed unnecessarily unsetting the iframe fullscreen flag. (272462@main) (120052751)
  • Fixed getElementsByName() to only return HTML elements, not SVG, MathML, or other types of elements. (272530@main) (120275680)


  • Removed AES-CFB support from WebCrypto. (272615@main) (120000331)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed WebGL to be available in nested workers. (272765@main) (120279728)

While the preview is intended for use by developers and advanced users, to provide Apple with feedback on the development of the Safari browser, it can be run side-by-side with the release version of Safari. The app doesn’t require a developer account to download and install. For more information, visit the Safari Technology Preview website.

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.