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British MP Uses iPad To Deliver Speech In Parliament

British MP Uses iPad To Deliver Speech In Parliament

The iPad is becoming ever more an icon of the times, with key political figures, doctors, creative professionals, and of course the everyman commonly using them for a variety of purposes. Now a British MP has even used one to deliver a speech in Parliament.

Labour MP Kerry McCarthy wanted to deliver a speech in the House of Commons, and there were so many last minute changes to the text that she just decided to read it from her iPad. This is apparently the first usage on an iPad in this manner in Parliament after they became allowed in the Chamber. The rule states that devices no bigger than an A4 sheet are allowed, so laptops are still out, but smartphones and tablets are a go.

This is definitely a sign of the times – iPads are getting into places that this sort of technology just hasn’t been used before – and it’s changing the way people think about gadgets and “consumer technology” in general.

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