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Jim Reekes – the Man Behind the Sounds of Mac OS

Jim Reekes – the Man Behind the Sounds of Mac OS

Have you ever wondered where the chime that you hear when your Mac starts comes from? Who is behind all of the old classic sounds in Mac OS? His name is Jim Reekes, and the dutch site One More Thing tracked him down a year ago and did an interview with him.

Jim Reekes was an Apple employee for 12 years and as he explains himself:

Between 1990 and 1999 I was pretty much responsible for all the sounds in the Mac OS software. I was the guy who made everything make sound.

The interview is pretty long (nearly an hour), but if you are interested, it is worth the time watching. Jim has got a very exciting story to tell.


If you don’t want to waste an hour on the guy behind Apple’s sounds (I admit, it sounds fanatic but hey, what are we?), there is a shorter version out there.

On a funny note, Jim Reekes tells us in this interview about when he had to get rid of the old boot chime that came with the Mac II – a chime that played as a chord with perfect tritone intervals, also knows as diabolus in musica (the devil in music). Yikes.

[Via AlltomMac]
