What's In My Dock – Mark Wallis – Graphic & Web Designer

We asked Mark, a web designer, what is rocking in his dock while he is busy pushing pixels.

About Mark

My name’s Mark. I’m a Freelance Web Designer living in Dublin, Ireland. I’ve just recently setup a one-man web design studio at markwallis.ie (soon to takeover the online world).

I specialise in the visual design and front-end build of Websites. I also I have a thing for Typography, which my girlfriend is not too happy about.

I’ve only recently begun to use a mac having been a PC-man or years. The UI is beautiful and as a designer I really like the attention to detail apple put in their products. Mac has some killer features like spaces which are real productivity boosters. Things seem to flow better for me on OS X. I’ve also become very attached to some Mac only software like Coda.

Site / Twitter / Dribble / Behance / Flickr

What Is In My Dock

Tweetie – Hands-down the best Twitter client for Mac.

Chrome – My favourite non-development Web-Browser. It’s so fast and the minimal interface I really like.

FireFox – I could not do my job without Firefox. I use this to develop websites. Firebug, Web Developer toolbar and Font finder have become an essential part of my workflow.

QuickSilver – I’ve always liked using an app launcher and Quicksilver is the one I’ve stuck with. Although Alfred is getting good reviews.

Safari – I use this for browser testing only. I really should spend a week browsing with Safari and see how it goes.

FileZilla – Essential FTP client for when Coda just won’t do.

Spotify – I would be lost without music when I work and these days I stream everything. I love spotify it’s catalogue of music is great.

Evernote – I’ve been known to be quite forgetful. Evernote allows me to quickly trap ideas when I have them. I use the iPhone app religiously. With everything synced to the cloud I have access to my notes wherever I go.

PhotoshopIllustrator – These are the design tools I am most comfortable with. I spend most of my working day buried in these two.

Anxiety App – My to-do list management application of choice. Synchronizes with iCal and Mail which is very handy.

Little Snapper – I scrapbook full screenshot of websites, Little Snapper helps me do this with ease. I must have hundreds saved for inspiration.

Skitch – The best way to share snippets of websites.

Coda – Coda is my favorite all-in-one Code editor. It has some really nice touches. With this one application I can edit, preview and FTP, not to mention Terminal access and book reference.

What About My Status Bar?

Sktich – The best way to share snippets of websites.

Little Snapper – I scrapbook full screenshot of websites, Littlesnapper helps me do this with ease. I must have hundreds saved for inspiration.

Anxiety App – My to-do list management application of choice. Synchronizes with iCal and Mail which is very handy.

Dropbox – Another essential to my workflow. I work across a few machines. Dropbox backs up to the cloud and syncs my workstations seamlessly.

Evernote – I’ve been known to be quite forgetful. Evernote allows me to quickly trap ideas when I have them. I use the iPhone app religiously. With everything synced to the cloud I have access to my notes wherever I go.

Cormac Moylan

Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!