A known jailbreak developer known as chpwn posted the above photo from his Twitter account, crediting Comex for the exploit. You can clearly see that the device seen running Cydia above is an iPad 2 running iOS 4.3
Developer i0n1c already has a working jailbreak for iOS 4.3 but is currently working out kernel issues before releasing it. Whether or not comex will release his version sooner isn’t clear yet. It’s also not clear whether this version of an iOS 4.3 jailbreak will also work on other devices such as the iPhone 4. We also aren’t sure whether or not it’s tethered or untethered. The big news is that it’s apparently working on the iPad 2. (i0n1c’s jailbreak will not work on the iPad 2.)
How many of you will immediate use this jailbreak? Sound off in the comments!