Watch ASCII Version of Star Wars Episode IV In

This may be old stuff for you, but it is still amazing. Some people just have to much time on their hands. By writing a code line in it will show you Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope, in ASCII.

Simon Jansen, the genius behind this project, has animated the first Star Wars film frame-by-frame in ASCII code and put it on Telnet. This makes it possible for anyone with and an internet connection to watch it. Unfortunately, this project is still unfinished, and has been untouched for the last 3 years or so. Even if Simon Jansen would finish his project, it would probably take him another decade or two. This seems to be a time wasting hobby.

By typing “telnet” into and putting on the official soundtrack for A New Hope, you can give yourself an unique experience. If you have ten minutes to kill, please watch this masterpiece. I’ve done it twice now, and it got me in the mood for watching the actual movie.

Especially this scene:

Jakob Hultman

Jakob is the Swedish, blonde, handsome writer at MacTrast. He is based in Southampton, UK, and has been an Apple fanboy ever since his brother introduced him to the third generation iPod in 2003. He owns more Apple products than he can name and is a hardcore Bruins fan. Follow him on Twitter - @Raekob.