Rovio, the now rich folks behind Angry Birds, have just released an update, version 1.6.0, which brings a new 15-level underground episode called “Mining And Dining With The Burrowing Piggies”, and requires you to use your surroundings to your advantage.

Let’s face it – Angry Birds has been unbelievably, mind-blowingly popular, and has returned on Rovio’s investment about a quadrillion times. What’s great, though, is that Rovio hasn’t stopped working, constantly working to bring new content and updates.

The new levels all take place underground, as the pigs have burrowed into underground caverns to hide the birds’ stolen eggs. Interesting about these levels is that you have to use the geology and landscape to your advantage in order to most efficiently complete the new levels. Also new is the introduction of gems that you can collect during the levels.

The new content also features a new gameplay mechanic not seen before in Angry Birds – the ability to shoot at and loosed hanging stalactites, causing them to fall and burst those nasty green piggies. Rovio has also tweaked a few existing levels to decrease their difficulty. The new update is available immediate via the App Store, so fire up your device (or iTunes), and update away!
If you don’t have Angry Birds yet…dude, are you even from this planet? Get it! It’s available for the iPhone for a mere $0.99 (App Store link), and in HD for the iPad for just $4.99 (App Store link).