Analysts: Apple Could Sell 14 Million iPad 2’s in Q3

Although Apple is currently facing some pretty tremendous demand (and backlogs) for the iPad 2, a new analytical report released by Displaybank claims that, due to a spike in display deliveries, we may be able to expect a significant surge in shipments of the iPad 2.

According the the report, Apple was responsible for the bulk of all of the 9.7-inch displays shipped in May, and that Apple’s two LCD suppliers (LG and Samsung) were responsible for producing 4.5 million of the 5.38 million tablet displays leaving the production line in May. The majority of these displays were destined for the iPad, the report reasons, as few competing tablets use the 9.7-inch display.

These numbers reflect an estimate, based on market analysis, but they nevertheless suggest that iPad sales for the remainder of the quarter could be much better than initially projected. Apple is expected to report its Q2 2011 earnings sometime in July.

Update 6/24/11: Hong Kong-based research firm CLSA states that Apple could sell up to 14 Million iPad 2’s in Q3 2011!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.