Moshi’s Codex 13 – A unique case for the MacBook Pro.

A few weeks ago I wrote a review on Moshi’s Puro 4, a wonderful case for the iPhone 4. However, Moshi have branched out from the iPhone to create a range of cases for the MacBook Pro: the Muse and the Codex, which we’ll be reviewing today.


The Codex is stunning. No other way about it. It looks freakin’ fantastic.  It’s sleek, slim design makes you look incredibly stylish when you carry it round. It doesn’t flaunt a huge logo either, instead there is just a small indented title which simply says: ‘Moshi’.  The inside is also beautifully made. There are 4 rubber pads designed to be positioned on the feet of your MacBook Pro and two straps to hold tightly onto your screen. The interior of the case is made of felt that feels amazing. It also protects your MacBook.

The Codex comes in a range of colours, it comes in metallic black, white, red and silver. Each colour is rich and vibrant with no signs of fading or worn out material.


The Codex 13 is fantastic for somebody who is constantly on the go. With it you can open the case, work on your laptop and as soon as you’re finished – close the lid and leave. Brilliant for someone who needs to get a lot done without having to unpack a huge amount of accessories and cables. However, on the other hand, if you need a lot of different peripherals, this case may not be to your taste.

The material that the Codex is made out of protects your MacBook extremely well. I drop my laptop bag a lot and the codex is fantastic at preventing any damage to my beloved MacBook Pro.  The felt on the inside prevents scratches whilst the material on the outside is very strong and flexible which makes it fantastic at absorbing drop damage.

One problem that I found with the Codex is that I couldn’t take a power lead with me. This was a huge disadvantage for me because I use my laptop for long periods of time so without a power cable, I can’t do as much work as I want. I was hoping that the Codex would replace my laptop’s messenger bag, however due to the fact that I can’t carry a power cable or my magic mouse with me, it just can’t do that which is a shame because I LOVE this case.


The codex 13 is a fantastic case for somebody who is constantly on the move and they don’t need to use their laptop for long periods of time. It’s incredible portability should fit in extremely well to anybody’s workflow and the interior and exterior’s material is brilliant for preventing any bumps and bruises to your MacBook. The case isn’t too expensive either, it comes in at a $65 which for the price is fantastic value for money.

I am going to give the Codex a brilliant 4/5.

You can buy the Codex 13 from Moshi’s website.


  • Stunning design
  • Extremely portable
  • Prevents damage to your MacBook
  • Fantastic value for money
  • No place to take power leads or accessories with you.
  • Will not replace a regular messenger bag.


Toby Lawrence

Toby has followed Apple religiously since January 2010. He is constantly excited about the new, revolutionary products that Apple could release at any given time. In 2011 he is especially excited about the OS X Lion, iOS 5 and the new Thunderbolt technology. He is also promising to stop writing about himself in the third person.