Review: JotNot Scanner Pro – Go Paperless By Turning Your iPhone Into A Portable Scanner.

If youʼve ever experienced the feeling of a bulging wallet full of receipts, or simply want a seamless way to move your paper based life into the cloud, JotNot Scanner Pro could be the perfect tool for the job. You might be thinking an iPhoneʼs camera surely isnʼt up to the job of becoming a fully pledged scanner? Well thanks to the magic behind JotNot, it really is.

Using the app is bliss. At first sight youʼll be given the option to use an existing image from your camera roll, or to take a new picture.

Here, Iʼve taken a picture of some music I plan to study on the go. Notice the blue grid covering the image. This is a fantastic interface that can be manipulated to select what area of the image you want to process. In most cases you can let JotNot do all the work as it automatically recognizes the edges of the document youʼve scanned, and it even takes a stab at working out whether itʼs a letter, an A4 sheet and so on. Image processing by default makes the document black and white, as youʼll see below. Itʼs a truly fantastic enhancement. You can play around with settings or select presets such as Receipts, ʻColor Docs or Whiteboardsʼ before processing.

Youʼll quickly become accustomed to three streamlined views, which are the Document list view, Page list view and Photo List view. These views allow for great organization of your documents.

One of the appʼs best features is itʼs ability to let you share your documents with well known services, such as Evernote, Google Docs, and Dropbox. You can of course send documents over email, or even save the enhanced image back to your camera roll. All in all youʼll never be in a position where the documentʼs stuck on your device.


JotNot Scanner Pro allows you to scan anything, but to moreover use powerful image processing to quickly and effectively give any image true full size scanner treatment. Gone are the days of those irritating, noisy, space consuming beasts. Go for it, buy the app for a bargain $0.99 now and begin your journey to become totally paperless.


Buy JotNot from the iTunes App Store for $0.99.


  • Low $0.99 price
  • Ability to change the settings to match your needs
  • Fantastic sharing options


  • Lack of in app OCR when processing images with text
  • Accessing the image enhancement settings could be made easier
Mitchell Harris

Mitchell has been a devoted fan of Apple since being liberated from Windows in 2008. It would be an understatement to say he's avidly following rumor after rumor about new upcoming products. He currently uses a late 2008 white MacBook, which he claims runs beautifully, but is very keen on upgrading to a 2011 MacBook Pro very soon. His iPhone 4 is effectively his personal secretary. In September he's hoping to study Film in London (including regular trips to the IMAX). Oh yeah, he also plays the trumpet.