iPhone 5 Release Date – October 20th?

According to several sources, the iPhone 4s/5(?) will be announced on Tuesday, October 4th.  What is the iPhone 5 release date? -when can you expect to get one in your hands is the most important question.  To project an answer, lets take a walk down memory lane.  Remember with me the year 2007.  We were young technologists and eager to get rid of those pesky Motorola Razors with their tactile buttons and limited web capabilities.  But, we had a bright future ahead of us…

  • January 9, 2007, the world was blown away with the introduction of the “iPhone.”  Unfortunately, we spent the next 171 days lusting after the new device, which was finally released on Friday, June 29.  …we were satiated for one year…
  • June 9, 2008, “iPhone 3G” was born, bringing us 3G data connections. Alas! we only waited 32 days to get our paws on one Friday, July 11.
  • June 8, 2009, “iPhone 3GS” graced us with additional speed and a small form factor upgrade.  With an even shorter wait, a mere 11 days separated us from the actual release on Thursday, June 19.
  • June 7, 2010, “iPhone 4” (GSM) completely re-revolutionized the way we use a phone.  Bringing front and back facing cameras, Retina Display, and antennagate (but who’s complaining).  Just 17 days wait separated us from glory, when it was released on Thursday, June 24.
  • January 11, 2011, Verizon blessed a majority of American cellular customers who had remained true to Big Red throughout the CDMA-iPhone dry spell.  Verizon customers nabbed iPhones 30 days later, on Thursday, February 10.

October 4, 2011(?), may very well be the announcing date for the iPhone 4s/5, but when will we really get to use one?  Go ahead and throw out the wild card number of 171 days, which we saw in round one.  Based on Apple’s ability to predict the worldwide demand for the next upgrade, I would hypothesis we may be lucky enough to fall in the two week range, similar to the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 time frames.  We are certainly looking at a Thursday release, which will give customers the ability to purchase phones throughout the weekend, effectively extending the weekend one extra day.  Based on the trend in previous information, I predict the iPhone 5 release date is Thursday, October 20, 2011.  Happy hunting.

When do you think the iPhone 4s/5 will release? Post your comments below.




Jim Gresham

An avid Macintosh convert, Jim appreciates the fine, detailed, and progressive products Apple designs. He spent his younger years tinkering with computers, reading about technology, and watching Star Wars. Since 2008, he has worked on improving his Apple arsenal and spends his free time researching the latest gadget trends. A native of the Commonwealth of Virginia, he enjoys the stiff crease on a well-ironed dress shirt and dons a bow tie on a regular basis.