The Most Pointless iPhone App? Yep, It’s Nothing

The Most Pointless iPhone App? Yep, It’s Nothing

Believe it or not, a developer has actually taken the time to develop an app that does, well, nothing. It will cost you 99 cents on the App Store, and there isn’t a great deal to say about. It’s just the weirdness of it that strikes me.

The app doesn’t strictly do nothing: it’s not just a black screen. But the only function it has is to show various different catchphrases including “This is all about nothing” and “Nothing in just the beginning”.

Surprisingly, people have actually bothered to review the app. Some of the best include:

“Finally! Nothing is better than something!”

“Nothing blew me away. I can’t wait for Version 2!”

“Nothing in this world can stop us tonight…Nothing in this world can turn out the light”

If you feel like giving away 99 cents, this could be a good way to do it. Or you could give it to charity.