App Development Has Created 466,000 New Jobs Since 2008

Anyone who has used an iPhone or iPad knows that apps are a big part of the experience. But according to TechNet, apps are important for the economy as well, having created nearly half a million jobs since 2008.

The apps include Android, BlackBerry, Facebook and Windows Phone in addition to apps for Apple’s iOS platform, and the jobs involve both technical and non-technical work. The Loop’s Jim Dalrymple reports:

TechNet figures that about 155,000 of those jobs are tech related and include app developers and tech support personell. The other 311,000 jobs require tech-related skills and non-tech jobs.

Nearly 24% of app-related jobs are in California, followed by New York, Washington, Texas, and New Jersey, each of which have less than 7% of all app-related jobs.

Keep up the good work, app developers! Keep making awesome apps, and I’ll keep buying them!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.