This Mac tip is provided by Mark Greentree and was originally posted on Mark’s blog – Everyday Mac Support. For more of Mark’s tips visit his site, follow him on Twitter, or browse his archive of posts here.
How to: Trimming Track Lengths
Have you ever purchased a live album only to hear the crowd applaud for minutes on an audio track?
Or maybe you are listening to one of the “hidden” tracks which normally appear at the end of the album, and in many cases contain minutes of nothing leaving you thinking what was that artist smoking.
Did you know you can trim your music in iTunes to cut out all those annoying ridiculous starts and finishes of songs?
Simply select the track you would like to trim and select Command + I on your keyboard or proceed to File > Get Info from the Menu Bar and the following will appear:

Please note you will first be taken to the Summary tab. Simply go across to the Options tab as shown above and you will see midway down this window the option of Start Time and Stop Time.
To activate simply type in a time you either wish to start of finish the track making sure that the click box besides this option is ticked and then click okay.
From that time on your song will start or finish at the times you have selected.
Please note that this will in no way alter the original track and if you wish to have the track in question returned to its original state simply deselect these options by clicking on the tick boxes and then ok.