Walmart Cuts Price of iPhone 4S By $74, iPhone 4 By $54

Walmart has quietly dropped the price of both the iPhone 4 and 4S without any notice, taking the price of the former down to $34 on AT&T (8GB) and the latter down to $114 on AT&T (16GB), Cult of Mac reports. This is probably one of those ‘get in there while you can deals’, so if you were thinking of buying an iPhone and you’re in the US, now could be the time to splash the cash.

It is unclear how widespread the sale is, but the story comes from Oklahoma, so if you live in that neck of the woods you should be able to get your hands on a discounted iPhone. Interestingly, the sale isn’t available for Verizon iPhones, so it’s presumably a deal worked out between AT&T and Walmart. Considering that the original iPhone prices were at $188 for the 4S and $88 for the 4, it’s a significant price cut of $74 and $54 respectively.

While a new iPhone is rumored for the fall, it might just be worth buying now from Walmart if you can, and if you decide to upgrade later, you can always sell it or pass it on to a friend or member of the family.

Henry Taylor-Gill

Henry is a student who is a huge Apple fan, and has used their products since day one. He can remember how happy he was when he received the first iPod back in 2001 as a birthday present. He has an international background, having spent most of his life in France but he now lives in the UK. He is also a native French speaker and can also speak Spanish at a decent level. In addition to tech, Henry is an avid sports fan and has his own sports blog.