Working ‘iPhone 5’ Leaked Out of Foxconn, Shown Booting Up Next to iPhone 4S (Video)

In what might be  one of the most intriguing iPhone 5 rumors so far, MIC Gadget reports that a working next-gen iPhone was “accidentally discovered” (read: stolen) at a Foxconn factory, and shares a video of the device actually booting up, next to an iPhone 4S.

The device shown in the video matches up with prior leaked parts, and the video is convincing for a number of reasons – such as that it cannot complete activation. There are a couple of odd things about the video, however – the home button on the supposed iPhone 5 looks a bit strange, for instance.

It’s possible that this could be a prototype device, or even a fake – but even if it isn’t authentic (and I’m actually betting it is authentic in some manner – prototype or otherwise), it’s still extremely interesting – and if it’s a hoax, it’s pretty much the most elaborate hoax I have ever seen.

I’m banking on this being a real Apple device, even if it isn’t the final shipping version of the iPhone 5. The site also posted a number of pictures of the device – head on over to MIC Gadget and check it out!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.