Steve Wozniak: The iPhone 5 is too Small, Because Apple is ‘Arrogant’

Steve Wozniak is once again back at his old habit of talking smack about Apple. This time around, the eccentric, outspoken Apple co-founder has something to say about the iPhone 5: Apple didn’t make it big enough!

From a recent interview with TechCentral (via BusinessInsider):

Part of me wishes that Apple had not been so kind of arrogant and feeling we’re the only one with the right clue. I wish they had made a small and a large version of the iPhone; that would have been great for me. Keep the aspect ratio the same, horizontal and vertical the same, but just grow it in the other way.

Perhaps The Woz really just doesn’t undertand Apple’s design philosophy. Part of the beauty of the iPhone is its simplicity, both from the consumer side and in relation to their competitors. Sure, Apple could release a half dozen different versions of the iPhone in different sizes and shapes – but why?

That’s exactly where HTC, Samsung, Motorola, and most of Apple other large competitors get it wrong – they offer too many models to choose from, and then none of their products get the support and attention (particularly software updates) that they deserve.

There’s also the fact that increasing the width of the iPhone would seriously screw up its ergonomics – it’s one of the last remaining smartphones on the planet that you can truly use one-handed. That’s not just a coincidence – that’s damn good design. Why would Apple compromise that to produce yet another 6-inch “phablet” that barely fits in anyone’s pocket?

Perhaps The Woz is just a lonely, sad shadow of a man who says these things just to get a little extra attention?

Update: I realize that I went to far by insulting Steve Wozniak, or suggesting that his opinion was merely a way to grab attention. It was wrong of me to resort to name calling. I am better than this, and MacTrast is better than this.

I apologize to Steve Wozniak, as well as the many readers who pointed out just how immature, rude, and wrong I was to say that.

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.