Apple just doesn’t seem to have many friends on Wall Street these days. The company’s stock has continued to decline at a steady pace following their WWDC keynote – and even rave journalistic reviews of OS X 10.9 couldn’t perk their stock back up today. The stock officially closed today at under $400 per share ($397.25) – the lowest point it has closed at since it hit $398.67 on April 22nd of this year.

It remains unclear exactly what is responsible for the stock’s continued decline, and we reiterate once again Apple is taking that mater very seriously. Apple CEO Tim Cook even put a large amount of his compensation package on the line based upon Apple’s stock performance.
Will momentum for this fall’s releases – a new iPhone, new iPad hardware, the new Mac Pro, iOS 7, OS X Mavericks, and so forth – be enough to put some shine back in Apple’s stock? Only time will tell, but I, for one, remain hopeful.