What would you do if you were allowed to spend the day with Apple co-founder, and all around cool guy, Steve “The Woz” Wozniak? Well, if you’re Riyah, Saudia Arabia resident Waseef Akhtar, you write a book about it, logically entitle it “A Day With the Woz,”and self-publish it via iBooks.

Unabashed, self-described Apple fanboy Waseef Akhtar sees a re-tweet of a check-in Steve Wozniak makes at London’s Heathrow Airport while preparing to board a plane to Riyah, Saudia, and it starts him off on an adventure that would prove to be a highlight of the young man’s lifetime.
After deducing that Wozniak is visiting Riyah to attend a conference, Akhtar sets out to meet his idol.

Akhtar first attempts to meet the Woz at the airport, but misses hooking up with the Apple co-founder. Then, he receives a Foursquare notification that Wozniak has checked into a local hotel, and Akhtar goes into action.
While some points of Akhtar’s tale veer dangerously close to a celebrity stalking incident, the young man’s account of his genuine enthusiasm, and adoration of Wozniak helps you understand why he made the “over the top” effort to meet his idol.
I don’t want to go into details of Akhtar’s tale, as I could not do the young man’s enthusiastic account of his adventure justice. I highly recommend logging into iBooks and “buying” the young man’s account of his time spent with the Woz. (It’s free.)

While not a polished author, Akhtar’s account of spending time with a living legend of computing history is an entertaining and quick read. (The book totals 36 pages, including the title page and some photos.) The author’s account is reminiscent of someone recounting an encounter with a celebrity while talking to a close friend.
If you’re looking for any new insights into Steve Wozniak, look elsewhere. However, if you want to read an account of how a young man got to spend time with one of his idols, have a seat and download this book to your iPad.
“A Day With the Woz” is available free from the iBookstore. [DIRECT LINK]