ESPN Radio and local National Public Radio (NPR) affiliates from around the United States have made their debut on Apple’s iTunes Radio streaming service.

The new ESPN Radio channel can now be found within the iTunes Radio section of the Music app on iOS devices. It’s also available through the iTunes Radio section of the iTunes suite on Macs and PCs. Its availability was first noticed by AppleInsider reader Aaron.
The ESPN radio channel is a live stream of the same content that the old-school radio stations in ESPN Radio’s network deliver to their listeners.
The dozens of local NPR affiliates – streamed live from numerous markets around the United States – include such larger markets as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and also smaller markets such as Austin, Aspen, and Milwaukee.
NPR had launched a stream of its national network on iTunes Radio back in March, and had promised at that time that it would soon be streaming local affiliates via the service.