Apple on Friday confirmed it is aware of an issue that deletes music from personal collections. Apple told The Loop that it only affects a small amount of users, and that a fix is coming next week, via an iTunes update.

“In an extremely small number of cases users have reported that music files saved on their computer were removed without their permission,” Apple said. “We’re taking these reports seriously as we know how important music is to our customers and our teams are focused on identifying the cause. We have not been able to reproduce this issue, however, we’re releasing an update to iTunes early next week which includes additional safeguards. If a user experiences this issue they should contact AppleCare.”
Last week, Vellum’s Jake Pinkstone wrote a blog post saying Apple Music had deleted 122 GB of his personal music collection without his permission after he joined the service. Pinkstone says the mass deletions occurred after he allowed his music library to be scanned, so it could be available across all his devices.
Apple hasn’t announced the cause of the bug, and The Loop says Apple has been unable to reproduce the issue. However, it appears the company has narrowed it down to an iTunes issue.
No exact date for the release of the iTunes update to fix the issue has been announced. We will let you know when the update is available.
(Via MacRumors)