Renniksoft has released version 5.3.1 of Movie Genius, their popular movie recommendation app for iOS devices. Movie Genius offers movie discovery, recommendations, the ability to search for movies, filter them by MPAA rating, the chance to keep up on news about your favorite actors, and more.

Movie Genius offers movie recommendations based on a user’s favorite movies, collecting information from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and other user’s reviews. The app encourages film lovers to browse movies in various categories, and to then rate them according to their likes and dislikes. It then compares those ratings to available film storylines and audience ratings, and then suggests films that offer similar subjects, or are of a similar genre. Movie Genius offers the type of recommendations someone might receive by talking to a friend or a fellow movie buff. The recommendations are personalized according to the user’s preferences.
Features Include:
- Intelligent recommendations based on matching themes, plots and audience opinion
- The app learns a user’s likes and dislikes. The more you use it, the smarter it gets!
- Search for favorite movies and give then ratings, and Movie Genius will offer similar films
- Users can save personal lists of movies they’ve discovered and want to see
- Filter out movies based on the industry’s MPAA age ratings
- Read all the latest movie news right in the app
- View which movies are currently playing, or view when they’ll be released
- View the currently most popular and top rated movies
- Watch Trailers – View movie trailers and clips with just one tap
- Rotten Tomatoes – View critics and audience scores
- Instantly tell if a film is available on streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO GO, Showtime, and many more
- Link to the full IMDb pages for all movies
- View information about films, including cast and crew lists, pictures, biographies and filmographies

Movie Genius can also tell users if a favorite film is available on any one of a number of popular streaming services, including: Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, Amazon, Crackle, Redbox, XFINITY Streampix, HBO GO, Showtime, Blockbuster, YouTube Movies, EPIX, and iTunes.
What’s New in Movie Genius 5.3.1:
- Now saves data to the cloud by default
- Now offers consolidated about, help and contact info
- Popup help tips added
- Movies are now listed alphabetically
- Movie Metadata has been improved
- The Like, Dislike and Save options have been made more intuitive
- Improved notification messages
- The Movie and Person details screen layouts have been improved
- Improved image scrolling
- The Search function is now available from anywhere in the app
- Searching is now more interactive and much faster
- Movies can now be saved and rated independently
- The News section has been simplified
- Duplicate data has been found and removed
Movie Genius 5.3.1 is $3.99, and is available for iOS devices in the App Store. [GET IT HERE]