Conan O’Brien has weighed in on the subject of Apple’s new wireless AirPod headphones via an amusing video.

As is normal for Team Coco content, the bit overplays concerns about the product, and this time, it’s about user concerns about possibly losing one or both of the completely wireless earpods, requiring another trip back to the Apple Store. The video is based on the classic iPod ads from years ago.
We guess as an alternative to a return visit to the Apple Store, those folks could just follow the dog around for a few days, although that’s kind of a crappy way to recover an AirPod, if you ask us.
Since the new AirPods won’t be available for sale until late October, no one really knows if the pods falling out of user’s ears will actually be a thing or not. Apple CEO Tim Cook assures customers that he has been using the AirPods for awhile now, and has never had them fall out of his ears. Early reviewers agree, saying the new earpods stay in the ear much better than their wired counterparts, even though they share a similar earpiece design.
For more Conan O’Brien madness, visit the Team Coco Website.