Apple’s latest Apple Pay discount promo offers deals from ten different brands, ranging from free rush shipping to discounts of up to 30%. The ‘Springtime Savings’ deals, which are limited to customers in the United States, are available through April 18.

The deals include:
- Adidas: 15% off purchases
- Boxed: 20% off your first purchase of $60 or more
- Goat: ‘Up to’ 30% off the exclusive Springtime Sneakers collection
- Hayneedle: 10% off all purchases
- Headout: 15% off all bookings
- Hotwire: $15 of $100 Hot Rate hotel bookings
- Jet: 10% off patio and garden purchases, up to a maximum discount of $15
- Saks Fifth Avenue: Free 2-day rush shipping
- Spring: $25 off your first purchase of $75 or more
- Turo: $25 off all bookings
And as can be expected, these deals are only available when you use Apple Pay to complete the transaction.
Links to all of the deals can be found on the Apple Pay Spring Promo page.