If you’re tired of searching through multiple windows to find your notes on your macOS desktop, independent development team Apptorium has a solution. SideNotes 1.1 hides on the side of your desktop when it’s not needed, and appears with a single click of the mouse.
The application allows users to keep handy notes, graphics, task lists, and more without being distracted from their main workflow. The app instantly appears, sliding over the other open windows with the click of a mouse or a quick keyboard combo.
SideNotes allows users to:
- Smoothly pull out notes from outside your monitor and easily hide them again
- Mark notes with colors and group them into folders
- Drag and drop pictures directly from a web browser
- Save links, code snippets or even colors
- Create task lists and mark items done
- Create notes directly from the pasteboard
- Drop any file or folder
- Three text formatting modes are available: Markdown, Plain Text and Code
The app allows for both Markdown and plain text formatting, allowing users to quickly format text via Markdown syntax. Formatting is rendered on the fly, allowing users to format text without knowing any complicated syntax. The app also offers a Text Formatting button that displays a menu of various text formatting options.

SideNotes also offers an accessible task list. Users can add a task by clicking the text formatting button or by using the key combo “CMD-T.” This creates a line with a checkmark, which can be marked as complete with a single mouse click. Notes can be grouped into folders, and each note can have one of six pre-set colors.
Version 1.1 brings numerous new and improved features:
- Search for notes and folders
- Share Extension
- New option to show and hide the app – by clicking on a menubar icon
- Ability to move notes to other folders
- Dropping any file on the app will create a shortcut to that file with a preview
- Run app on startup
- New keyboard shortcut to pin the app window
- New keyboard shortcut to move notes up and down
- New keyboard shortcut to create a new note from pasteboard
- Ability to set dark and light appearance manually
- AppleScript: ability to get current folder and selected note
- New empty note placeholders
- Fixed: On clickable elements in notes that were on screen bottom
- Fixed: URLs with a dash weren’t working
- Fixed: Escape key didn’t work properly during editing folder name
- Fixed: Other application scrollbars were not working
- Small bug fixes and performance enhancements
SideNotes 1.1 is $19.99 and is available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Productivity Category. The app is also available through the Apptorium website. A trial download version of the app is also available. Setapp subscribers also have access to SideNotes.