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Microsoft Copies Apple, Adds An App Store To Windows 8

Microsoft Copies Apple, Adds An App Store To Windows 8

Ever-blatant in their attempts to copy the world’s ideas and claim them as their own, Microsoft has recently revealed that they’ll be adding an App Store into their next-generation Windows 8 platform. Has Microsoft ever had an original idea?

The story goes that Microsoft’s Windows boss Steven Sinofsky revealed that Microsoft has an “App Store” team, though he neglected to elaborate in any manner. This is a strong indication that Microsoft is merely once again doing what it does best: stealing everyone else’s ideas, implementing them in their own products, and then pretending it was their idea all along.

While it’s certainly not the first time that Microsoft has shamelessly “borrowed” ideas from Apple in an attempt to make their products appear more trendy and up-to-date, this may go on record as the most blatant.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Microsoft would not have even considered adding an App Store to Windows 8 had Apple not rolled out and experienced great success with the Mac App Store first.