Microsoft’s Metro interface for Windows 8 has a lot of things going for it. It’s unique, it’s fresh, and it was designed on a Mac. Wait, what? Take a look at the desk pictured below. As CultofMac notes, It’s a work desk that belongs (or belonged) in the office of Bill Flora, a man who CNET describes as a key leader on Microsoft’s Metro interface team.

Notice anything unusual? Like the fact that a key Microsoft employee was using what appears to be a MacBook Pro, an Apple Cinema Display, and Apple’s wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse? As it turns out, Microsoft’s fresh new interface, which will become the staple for the latest Windows desktops, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones, owes a debt of gratitude to Apple.
Despite Bill’s good taste in hardware and his design skills, however, he’s just not a Microsoft kind of man. Especially considering that he no longer works for Microsoft. Oh, well. He was probably too good for them anyway.