Infinity Blade 2, which Epic Games demoed at Apple’s iPhone 4S event, is due out on December 1st, and IGN’s Justin Davis got a chance to go hands-on with the upcoming app, stating that the game is an incredible improvement over the previous version.

Infinity Blade 2 will feature more levels, new weapons, a new combat system, and gorgeous revamped graphics. The new game will also include over 40 combat locations, compared to the 10 locations in the original version. Here’s what Davis had to say:
It’s impressive what Chair has been able to pull off. The original Infinity Blade launched with about 10 combat locations. The sequel has over 40. It seems virtually every element of Infinity Blade 1 has been blown out. The company has aggressive post-launch plans far beyond just adding more swords and football helmets, as well. Clash Mobs are one teased feature. Players might fight an enemy with “10 million or more” hit points. If Infinity Blade players around the world whittle down the shared health pool, all participants can be awarded with special bonuses.
The original Infinity Blade has been an incredible success in the App Store, and was the very first game to fully take advantage of Apple’s A4 processor and Retina Display, as well as to show what the Unreal Engine was capable of on mobile devices, and the second version sounds as if it will be even better!
Let’s see – take an amazing game, add new levels and weapons, amazing new graphics, and improve the gameplay… sounds like a definite winning strategy to me! For more information on the upcoming game, visit the Infinity Blade website, and if you haven’t yet tried the original, there’s no better time than the present ($5.99, Universal, App Store Link)!
You can check out Davis’s full thoughts on the upcoming game over at IGN. In the meantime, check out the below trailer to see the game in action.