BundleHunt has put together another fantastic bundle for you, 7 great best-selling Mac apps worth a whopping $371 for just $49.99, including design tools as well as tools to help you stay organized and be more efficient.

Meet the Ultimate Mac App Collection – the latest bundle from BundleHunt. Featuring 7 of the best-selling Mac apps available today. Retail value: $370. You pay just: $49.99. (Yes, the apps in the bundle are all the latest-release and FULL version).If you’ve ever wondered why BundleHunt only offers 1 pack every few months, this bundle says it all: creating something this amazing takes time. The Ultimate Mac App Collection, our latest bundle, includes the variety of top-quality apps creative types want – from software that simplifies interactive animations to a five-star rated photo effect app.
To sweeten the deal even more, BundleHunt is also giving away a free copy of Display Maestro (worth $4.99) just for sending out a single tweet about the bundle, and is also offering the chance to win $500 in cash just by participating in the bundle!
The bundle is only available until Friday, March 23rd, so act fast to save a ton of money on some great Mac apps!